Welcome to Mother’s Wisdom
Your place to grow and learn new skills to see you through the next chapters of your life journey
Congratulations, You’re pregnant! If you’re reading this, there is a possibility you may be wondering about what will happen next.
This is the most exciting time in your life. Are you ready to make this the greatest experience you will ever have?
Read on:
Hypnobirthing is not just for Hippies! The knowledge and skills are nothing new our ancestors understood what birthing mothers needed in order to have a fully supported, straightforward birth. Hypnobirthing is a combination of ancient wisdom applied to our modern times.
Reclaim Yourself
Your body is changing, your hormones are all over the show and you have a new baby to care for! “EEK How will I manage? I don’t even know who I am any more.“ Let’s explore together and reclaim and rediscover your inner wisdom and strengths and this new version of amazing YOU.
Post Baby Support
Having your new baby is amazing and wonderful. It may feel a bit like a wild rodeo ,navigating this new experience and having to learn so much new information on the hoof, whilst simultaneously your mind and body are constantly in a state of flux and needing more sleep.
Get in touch for the support you need for you .